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My Research Internship in Dengue Lab


This is my short story about my research internship almost two years ago in Dengue Lab, Institute of Tropical Disease Universitas Airlangga.

When I was a child, I was a Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever (DHF) survivor. Thenceforward, I’ve had more thinking about biology also I've always felt fascinated in life science phenomena, i.e. how our bodies can regulate metabolism, how our bodies use our immune system to defend us from viruses or other organisms, and so on. That's why, I took major in Biology.

Nowadays, Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever (DHF) is a global health problem in tropical and subtropical regions, also endemic diseases in 110 countries around the world. Indonesia is one of the largest country in dengue endemic regions. In 2010, Indonesia became the first ranked country in ASEAN by the highest number of cases in DHF and hyperendemic predicate. 

During my undergraduate studies, I received a research grant from Indonesian government for vector control research, exploring plant extracts from the Rutaceae family against 3rd instar larvae of Aedes aegypti and Culex fatigans. In the early 2015, I did a research internship in Dengue Lab, Institute of Tropical Disease Universitas Airlangga. I did my research internship with the topic of detection of dengue virus serotypes from patients suspected DHF in Surabaya. I did my research internship for 5 weeks and published a research article after finished my research internship.

Thanks to Institute of Tropical Disease Universitas Airlangga for research internship opportunity in the Dengue Lab. Also, to all members of Dengue Lab and researchers from Kobe University, Japan.  

Cell culture

Dengue Lab

Dengue Virus (DEN-V) serotype 3, isolated from Surabaya

Cell culture
My publication in a research journal


  1. Mangagaw or tawa-tawa is the best herbal plant to cure dengue patient. Its scientific name is Euphorbia Hirta. Several cases have been cured already because this plant has the ability to increase platelet count at the highest level. Using this medicinal plant is one of several ways to increase platelet counts which is best in treating dengue illness. Also another known herbal cure for dengue is the flower of the male papaya. It is said that its effect is next to mangagaw and it is often practiced in oriental countries.


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